About Us

Meenakshi Steel Industries Limited (Company
), was incorporated on 22nd February, 1985 under the Companies Act, 1956. The CIN of the Company L52110DL1985PLC020240. The Shares of the Company was listed with the BSE Limited..
The Company have been registered with Reserve Bank of India as Category B, (non-acceptance of Public Deposit ) Non-Banking Financial Company under Regulation 45-I of RBI Act, 1938.
The Main business of the Company is holding and investment Company. The Company invest in Mutual Funds, Shares and securities on Long Term basis and granting the Loan to corporate bodies. The main source of Income is Interest Income , Dividend Income and Gain on Sale of investment in securities.
The Company has no borrowing and the earning from business is ploughed back and deployed in the business only.
Thus the Company invest and deal the moneys of the Company in such a manner as may be determined from time to time and to hold or otherwise deal to maximum in the interest of the Company.
"If people like you, they'll listen to you, but if they trust you, they'll do business with you." by Zig Ziglar - author, salesman and motivational speaker.